
LwM2M Virtual Test Event

Specification Validation Event (SVE) #40

November, 2023

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Virtual Test Event

Specification Validation Event (SVE#40)


Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) is thrilled to announce the 40th Specification Validation Event (SVE), scheduled for November 2023. This remote event, also known as Virtual TestFest, promises to be an exciting opportunity for all LwM2M implementers.


Event Details:

  • Event Name: Virtual-SVE-40 (Specification Validation Event)
  • Week Starting: 13 November 2023
  • Focus: LwM2M Client & Server implementations compliant with LwM2M Protocol:
  • Free Event: $0 cost per implementation or Engineer
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): Companies must sign an NDA to participate.
  • Document: OMA-ETS-LightweightM2M_INT-V1_X
  • Location: Remote event.

New LwM2M v1.2 Test Cases

The Enabler Test Specification for Virtual-SVE #40 is now available, detailed in the document titled OMA-ETS-LightweightM2M_INT-V1_2. This document includes a comprehensive set of new V1.2 test cases covering new LwM2M functionality:

LwM2M Interfaces Test Cases

  • TC-#11: Client-Initiated Bootstrap (OSCORE Security)
  • TC-#12: Client bootstrap through use of Bootstrap-Pack Request to the BS
  • TC-#19: Client-Initiated Bootstrap over MQTT

Registration Interface

  • TC-#110: Initial Registration using Profile ID
  • TC-#111: Initial Registration Using Mix of Profile ID and Object List

Device Management & Service Enablement Interface

  • TC-#264: Discover Command on Object ID with Depth 1
  • TC-#266: Discover Command Object ID with Depth 3

Information Reporting Interface

  • TC-#312: Observe operation carrying observe attributes as parameters.
  • TC-#313: Observation with Notification parameter values overriding existing attributes.

New LwM2M v1.2 Test Cases

What are OMA Specification Validation (SVE) (aka TestFest):

OMA Specification Validation Events (SVE) are designed to achieve several crucial objectives, including:

  • Ensuring the quality of OMA specifications
  • Enabling vendors to verify and test the interoperability of their product implementations in a multi-vendor environment.
  • Providing a peer-to-peer networking environment for participants.

These Test Events are held in a confidential and secure testing environment, allowing companies to bring their Client and/or Server implementations based on an OMA Enabler to test in multiple multi-vendor environments. We are pleased to inform you that these events are open to OMA members and non-member companies.


Your active participation in Virtual-SVE #40 promises to advance OMA LwM2M implementations and interoperability.


OMA Test Event Team